welcome to ruangrupa.org.. like we know together that this is this site but website..
a lot that this that but you must first must if not angry and you good heart want past make so resolution that 1024 x 768 pixels in monitor that.. then you stay click click ctack ctick.. then will be ok..

then.. there is incident wait a minute.. kind incident wait a minute is a kind incident tunggu sebentar.. because when pemuatan or in other words is when loading that. then if already finish loading that, so you can live click click ctack ctick..

then there is too incident di bawah bangunan.. incident this too is incident underconstruction, almost looks like work in construction but under but still but di bawah bangunan..

but if too there is some is no understand, but can only live calling info@ruangrupa.org because what.

..guess-guess that is hope we all can what. wanna be we all reaching, too next can success. amen.