ruangrupa presents:
[a project about holiday in the city of Jakarta]
interactive cd, newsletter, flyer, video, games, object, postcard & photography
24 - 30 September 2006

First, it’s only about to spend the free time, than holiday creates many entertainment places, recreation and shopping center. This supported by the lack of public space to facilitate a free holiday places. At the weekend, many people from Jakarta take a trip to other cities, some of them having a vacation by shopping, or maybe just stay at home. These three artists in this art project is trying to make a review about the individual relation with the mode of holiday in Jakarta, and how the city structure get involved with this. They recorded a holiday atmosphere in photographs, created a new monopoly game, arrange a guide book for holiday, postcards as a souvenir to convinced that you’ve been spend your holiday in Jakarta, and a set of picnic kit, so that you can do your own holiday anywhere and anytime...

Dari hanya untuk melewatkan waktu luang, hari libur menciptakan banyak tempat hiburan, rekreasi dan pusat perbelanjaan. Semuanya didukung oleh kurangnya ruang publik sebagai hiburan gratis. Di akhir pekan, sebagian penduduk Jakarta pindah ke luar kota, sebagian berlibur dengan berbelanja, atau mungkin hanya diam di rumah. Tiga peserta proyek seni ini mencoba melihat kembali hubungan individu dengan model liburan di Jakarta, dan sistem kota yang mempengaruhinya. Mereka merekam suasana liburan dalam foto, menciptakan permainan monopoli baru, menyusun buku panduan liburan, kartupos oleh-oleh sebagai bukti bahwa Anda pernah melewatkan liburan di Jakarta, serta seperangkat picnic kit agar Anda bisa berlibur di mana dan kapan saja...

Ari Dina K [video artist - Jakarta]
Sebastian Friedman [photographer - Buenos Aires, Argentina]
Irayani Queencyputri [writer - Makassar]

opening at
ruangrupa: Saturday, 23 September 2006 (19.00)
[We will serve your holiday pleasure with a chill room provided by The Ruru Corps.]
exhibition - open dialy at
ruangrupa: 24 - 30 September 2006 (11.00 - 19.00)


Tebet Timur Dalam Raya no.6
Jakarta Selatan

p/f: +62-21-8304220

supported by:
